Ganga Valley Sanitation Project-3
Under this assignment we have constructed 50 Individual household latrines of 3.5’x4’x7’ twin pit toilets.
Urban Sanitation Project
Under this assignment we have constructed 140 Individual household latrines of 3.5’x4’x7’ twin pit toilets.
Bijnor Sanitation Project
Under this assignment we have constructed 100 Individual household latrines of 3.5’x4’x7’ twin pit toilets in Mirzapur Village of District Bijnor of Uttar Pradesh
Ganga Swachta Pakhwada
Conducted Street Plays, Nukkad Nataks, Rallies and 2 Seminars in Haridwar & Rishikesh District under the Clean Ganga Campaign
Uttarakhand Disaster Relief work
To provide relief services to disaster affected 300 Families in Blingana Block of Tehri Garhwal District
Financial Literacy Program
With the support of NABARD, Lok Paryavaran Shiksha Sansthan organized Economic literacy and awareness Campaign in Tehri Garhwal. Under this campaign following activities were undertaken:
- Information on No-Fill saving Accounts were given and Information on bank linkage was provided to all Self-Help Groups.
- Information on Joint Liability Group. Information on Kisaan Credit Card was provided. Information on Crop insurance was provided
- Information provided on NABARD managed Government of India’s projects, Goat. Sheep farming, Dairy Production, Poultry Farming, entrepreneurship development etc
Permanent House – Tehri Garhwal
This project was based on urgent emergency help in providing permanent houses for the victims of the Uttarakhand cloud burst and calamity. The havoc by the nature in the holy state of Uttarakhand rendered many people homeless. Our work was devoted to construction of houses for their safe stay. This project targeted to providing 27 houses for those families whose living places were completely damaged or devastated. Other than food, shelter was the prime necessity of these families. So LPSS took all possible steps to help them in this need of the hour. The project area was the hilly region with agriculture
and livestock as the primary occupation of the families living in the region. Bhilangana and Jaunpur under disaster times which lies in quite remote areas the district
Reconstruction of School Boundary Wall
The target area lies in hilly region of block Bhilangna area of Tehri Garhwal which is in the far-off lands of the district area. Lok Jeevan Vikas Bharti School of Bhilangna area, Tehri Garhwal was in very critical condition because of flood disaster.
1-Safety wall 60 mtr Length, 1 mtr Width and height 1.5 mtr Number of
2- Column 21 Constructing for L.J.V.B.J.S Vidyalaya, Budhakedar.
3- School Safety wall 90 cubic Meter Safety wall constructing is Complete
Reconstruct on of One Room
This project was based on providing urgent emergency help for the reconstruction of the damaged Saindul Primary School in Tehri District of Uttarakhand. One room of the school was completely damaged by the cloud burst and calamity occurred in June 2013. LPSS reconstructed Saindul Primary school for total 78 children, built a new 252 sq. ft (18*14) room for the school so that the future of the children in this region can be secured.
Repair of Damaged Houses in Tehri Garhwal
There was high destruction of houses of the people mainly in Jaunpur and Bhilangana Block of Tehri district, Uttarakhand and many of the villagers were affected due to this mishap. Responding to this disaster, LPSS formed a team with the support of HFH, New Delhi in October and visited and examined the flood affected areas. The team visited the flood affected families of the village. Total fifty families were adopted to overcome from the mishap and reconstruction of their houses was performed under this project